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A little effort
goes a long way.

Consider these seasonal tips to help you get the most from your landscape.

  • [+] Making use of leaves and Mulching
    To prevent leaves from smothering your lawn, mulch them with your mower. Using a mulching mower means less work for you and recycles nutrients into your soil.
  • [+] Early fall watering
    Early fall is often dry, so water your lawn if rainfall is inadequate.
  • [+] Tree & shrub planting
    When planting trees and shrubs, place the plant in a hole so the top of the root ball is level with the surrounding soil. Water so the soil is moist, not wet, during the first few weeks after planting. September and October are the two best months for planting landscape plants.
  • [+] Aeration
    If you have not scheduled your Core Aeration, there is still time to get it completed. It is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your lawn!
  • [+] Fall maintenance
    To reduce problems in the upcoming winter and to speed green-up in the spring, continue to water and mow your lawn as needed. Your lawn may be turning brown and landscaping may have lost its leaves, but new roots grow throughout the fall.
  • [+] Watering evergreens
    Watering evergreens during the fall and winter before the ground freezes will help counteract winter drying.
  • [+] Fertilization
    Fall is the best time to fertilize your trees and shrubs. For the same reason it is the best time to fertilize your lawn. As top growth slows in the fall, food produced by the plant now goes towards root growth and storage for the spring.
  • [+] Wind protection
    Winter winds cause damage to evergreens by drying leaves. Covering vulnerable trees and shrubs (such as juniper, cedar, spruce, yew, rhododendron and boxwood) can protect them from drying winds and snow damage. Wrapping twine around upright junipers can keep their branching compact and prevent snow and ice damage.
  • [+] Oiling
    During cold months, while dormant, trees and woody ornamentals benefit from an application of horticultural oils. These have been used for decades to eliminate mites, aphids, and scale insects that over-winter on the plant.
  • [+] Final mowing
    After grass stops growing, cut the lawn a final time at one setting lower than normal. This will reduce matting of the turf over winter and reduce the occurrence of snow mould problems.
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