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Grub Control

Eliminate grubs and the risk of permanent damage with this all natural service.

One of the biggest pests plaguing Canadian lawns are grubs; a larvae (immature) beetle that feeds on the roots of your grass.

The most damaging local grub species is the European chafer. You may see this pest as an adult beetle flying around your home or trees at dusk in early summer, laying eggs within your lawn.  These eggs later hatch and feed on your lawn’s roots right through the fall. They spend the winter in your lawn, only to emerge as beetles again in the summer and continue the cycle.

A healthy lawn can resist minor grub infestations, however, when stressed by summer drought and rough winters, grub damage can become much more apparent. Infestations cause major damage requiring expensive and extensive lawn renovations.  Even the presence of few grubs can attract birds and animals, which will destroy your lawn in search of these ‘treats’.

Our all-natural fix involves the application of parasitic nematodes, which are microscopic worms that move through the soil and seek out grubs. Applied in late summer or early fall when young grubs are most vulnerable, the nematodes will release bacteria, which convert the grub to a food source, causing it to stop eating and die.  To get the most from this fast-acting treatment, we ask clients to water their lawn for at least three days following to allow nematodes to move through the soil.

Why choose GreenLawn’s Grub Control?

  • Reduce the risk of extensive, permanent lawn damage if grubs are left untreated.
  • We use only the most effective nematode strain for European chafers (nematodes are very selective to the insects they infest).
  • Nematodes don’t harm plants, people, pets, or other beneficial insects.
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Tree and Shrub Calculator

Get a price estimate for your treatment by providing details on the quantity and size of trees and shrubs to be treated. Use the image examples below to help you determine the size and cost.

Please add at least one quantity to calculate:

You must select at least one quantity
Small Shrub
Small shrubs are less than 3 feet high.
Medium Shrub
Medium shrubs range from 3 to 6 feet in height.
Large Shrub
Large shrubs are greater than 6 feet and can be as tall as 10 feet.
Small Tree
Small trees include shade, ornamental and evergreen trees that are less than 15 feet in height and/or have a small crown (leaf area) less than 10 feet wide.
Medium Tree
Medium trees include shade, ornamental and evergreen trees ranging from 15 to 20 feet in height or that have a fairly broad crown greater than 10 feet wide.
Large Tree
Large trees include shade, ornamental and evergreen trees ranging from 20 to 30 feet in height or that have a broad crown greater than 15 feet wide.
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Lawn Price Calculator

Once you know the size of your lawn, a price estimate is only a few clicks away.  Based on your best knowledge, use the shapes and dimensions that you feel best represent the area of lawn you wish to have treated. The calculator will provide an estimate based on these dimensions.

Please enter at least one dimension using whole numbers:

Please enter at least one area dimension for your sizing estimate.
Shape Area Name Dimension in Feet
Estimated total lawn area: ##Total## Square feet
Already know your lawn area? Enter the square feet below. Calculate Pricing

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